I had 2 interesting interactions with 2 different neighbors today. The first was a conversation with 1 neighbor who just got back from a long road trip. I asked how it was and she asked how the baby was doing. Then, she said that her and her husband are trying again to have a baby (from another neighbor I know that they've had a few miscarriages over the years). I responded with an, "I'll pray for you" and she said, "Thank you so much." The funny thing is that I rarely say this to my friends, much less people I hardly know! So, a seed was planted, and I really hope that this couple is able to have a baby.
The 2nd interaction was later on in the afternoon. I noticed out of our front window there was a lady and her dog on our lawn. The dog was sniffing around and looked like he/she was about to do some business. I really hate when dog's poop in our yard, especially when it stays there and we have to pick it up. The lady had a plastic bag with her, but I opened the window and asked if she would move her dog to another yard. She looked a little offended and said that the dog probably wasn't going to go. I said that it grosses me out knowing that my kids play on this grass. She moved along. It wasn't until later that I realizd that this is a neighbor who lives down the street. Oops, I might not have said anything if I recognized her. It still grosses me out though.