We finally got the scanner set up and it has been fun going through old photos tonight! I put together a photo collage to be on display at our wedding and it was so fun discovering similar pictures of Matt and my childhoods! Here is a fitting seasonal photo! Did you know that my brother and I never went trick or treating when we were kids? We'd dress up for school and go to the little harvest festivals and such, but I was probably in 7th grade when I went out with friends for the first time. It wasn't for any religious reason, but my mom didn't like the idea of us going out to get candy! Maybe that is why I have a major sweet tooth now?? Even with the little trick or treating we do (at the mall or church harvest festivals), I'm not really excited about all the candy that we collect (and I end up eating). So, I'm not sure what we'll do this year, I'll keep you posted! I'll try to post regular flashback photos on Fridays to help keep me on track on this blog! Happy Fall!