Friday, October 16, 2009

Flashback Friday

Well, not exactly the same flashback, but at least we are both on trikes! Notice Matt's red striped tube socks and the CHiPs trike (with Ponch's face by his knee) that Kyle got for Christmas one year!


Krista said...

Very cute pictures Sara! I didn't realize Matt's love of dirt biking went back so far.

Nini said...

Seriously...I am loving your flashback Fridays!

Unknown said...

My brother and I were obsessed with Chips when we were little. We used to go door to door (on our bikes) ringing the doorbell and arresting people (usually for murder) people mostly laughed, but I can't imagine having a kid do that to me now.

big hair betty said...

Julia, that is hilarious! There is a similarity between law enforcement and motherhood, huh?!